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  • Writer's pictureWill Hedrick

Introducing Project NC

Updated: May 19, 2023

The Hedrick Project’s global mission takes many steps and the best way to start is in our own community. We have partnered with five organizations across North Carolina that align with our mission.

"Project NC is one of the most important projects not only to the organization but to myself. I've lived in North Carolina my entire life. Having the opportunity to give back to the state, the people, the animals, and the environment, which have given me everything I have, is a calling I have to answer.
My goal for Project NC is two-fold. First, to make a positive impact on animal, human, and environmental life in the state, and second, to prove who we are as an organization and get ourselves on the map. We have a lot to show the world that we are capable of. There’s no better place to start than where we call home,”

says Will Hedrick, Founder of The Hedrick Project.

Learn more about our Project NC partners and how you can contribute to making a difference.

Carolina Raptor Center

Raptors, or birds of prey, face many challenges due to habitat destruction, pollution, and other human interactions. The Carolina Raptor Center is on mission to educate the public about raptors with their three-quarter mile walking trail and zoological facility, housing over thirty birds of prey. The CRC also rehabilitates injured raptors from the wild and has admitted over 20,000 birds. Visit the CRC for a walk on their trail and learn more about their work to better animal life.

Catawba Land Conservancy

The Catawba Land Conservatory protects land in Catawba, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, and Union Counties. Their mission is conserving land to improve water and air quality, protect wildlife, and maintain natural landscapes. One major project includes the Carolina Thread Trail, which is over 360 miles in 15 counties between North and South Carolina. Connect with nature at one of their upcoming events or by volunteering on the trails.

Catawba Riverkeeper

Water plays a vital role in the health of humans and animals. Catawba Riverkeeper’s mission is to preserve and protect the Catawba Wateree River Basin. They advocate for water quality with local governments and restore waterways through projects like stream bank repair and stream buffer replanting. Check out the Catawba Riverkeeper volunteer opportunities for the next cleanup.

Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue & Conservation

All seven sea turtle species are threatened or endangered and at risk of extinction. The Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center rescues and rehabilitates sea turtles to release them back into the ocean. They also protect and monitor sea turtle nests to provide the best chance of survival. You can see their work first hand on a guided tour in Surf City or check out their current patients here.

Roof Above

In Charlotte alone, there are over 3,000 people experiencing homelessness. Roof Above is a Charlotte-based nonprofit that provides 1,200 people each day with a variety of services including emergency shelter, street outreach, day services, and permanent housing. Check out ways to get involved with Roof Above.

Join us in bettering the lives of local animals, humans, and the environment by donating to Project NC. As always, 100% of donations are distributed across our partners. Let’s make a positive impact in our community.


Written by: Faith Foushee

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